Verticality in product labels and shelves as a metaphorical cue to quality

This study investigates how subtle visual cues related to the design of a product's package (i.e., label position) and the context (i.e., shelf orientation) influence consumer evaluation and behavioral intention. Extending research on metaphorical cues, Study 1 shows that consumers perceive a product as more powerful when the label on the package is placed in … Continue reading Verticality in product labels and shelves as a metaphorical cue to quality

Cross-Cultural Color-Odor Associations

Color congruence for each odor in each culture. Colors per odorant (fruity, flower, candy, woody, hazelnut, musty, rice, soap, vinegar, burnt, vegetable, fish, meat, plastic) per country (Dutch, NL. Res. Chinese, German, Malay, Mal. Chinese, US) are ordered by frequency (most frequent are shown lowest on their respective y-axis). Frequency is represented by the height … Continue reading Cross-Cultural Color-Odor Associations


Fig.1/ Venus of Laussel, Dordogne France. The Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty is a legendary object, a symbol of prosperity and abundance, originally dating back to the earliest myths of mankind. One finds the first depictions of a horn already dating back from the Upper Palaeolithic. The Venus of Laussel (France, approximately 25,000 years old) is such … Continue reading Cornucopia

The hero is a giant

The heroic aspect of clannumen among the Baltic slaves got its plastic representation in the colossal dimensions of certain statues. Vyncke (1969) cites some gods identified as war god or warrior god, such as Gerovit, Pripegala, Sventovit, Tjarnaglofi and Rugevit. The latter is said to have stood 3 metres tall. But Sventovit took the crown … Continue reading The hero is a giant

The number three in Slavic mythology

Triglav/Trzygłów – Slavic Three-Headed God. Source: Not only the Celtic mind is obsessed with the trinity. The Slavs also showed a special interest in the number three. In temple construction, there are triangular structures (Zuarasici), three entrance gates (Zuarasici), erected on the middle of three mountains (Triglav). The priests of Triglav and Sventovit used … Continue reading The number three in Slavic mythology

Square shaped temple of Svetovit

Reconstruction drawing of the Jaromarsburg on the island of Rügen, Germany - a medieval West Slavic temple ( Viergesichtige neuzeitliche Statue des Svantevit auf der Burgwallinsel im Teterower See (Landkreis Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Plastik von Ralph Wedhorn ( The striking cubic shape of the temple at Arkona is also found among the Celts. According to C. Schuchardt, the Slavs would have adopted … Continue reading Square shaped temple of Svetovit

Thunder gods in old Scandinavian and Slavic mythology

Thor, God of ThunderIllustration for the board game Mythalix, artist David Ceballos Originally the god Perun, also the common Slavic word for thunder, was nothing more than the Germanic Thor in a Slavic disguise. Later texts equate Perun with Zeus. In Mansikka p. 202, the 'Conversation of the Three Church Fathers' Perun is referred to, … Continue reading Thunder gods in old Scandinavian and Slavic mythology

Waist-to-hip ratio

With the help of anthropomorphism some shapes can be compared with the human figure. The ratio between waist and hips is called the 'waist-to-hip' (WTH) ratio. Its effect is highly biologically determined and has to do with the physical attraction between the sexes. Waist-to-Hip ratio = circumference waist / circumference hip Research by a medical … Continue reading Waist-to-hip ratio

Fate and supernatural healing power, a semantic construction

Venus of Laussel, Dordogne France. The South Slavic Vily, the Mother Goddess, usually appearing in triplicate, unites several concepts that are given a clear place in the Semantic Colour Space and are represented by a shift in colour combinations. Vily is both the deliverer of abundance (green-4), depicted with a filled horn (white-4), determiner of … Continue reading Fate and supernatural healing power, a semantic construction

Fate and charity

A semantic connection between fate and the idea of charity can be found in the mythology of the Slavs. The Vily, a Slavic mother goddess and pagan clan goddess, who always manifests herself in threefold, brings happiness and prosperity to young people. At night they enter the homes of righteous people to do housework. They … Continue reading Fate and charity

Origins of the colour name ‘red’

The Colour name Red stems from Old Norse rót (“root”), from Proto-Germanic *wrōts, from Proto-Indo-European *wréh₂ds (“root”); compare with English wort and the Latin rādīx (“root”). Cognate with the Icelandic rót; Old English rōt (whence the Middle English word root (“the underground part of a plant”) came, whence the English root came). (Source: Ród Smoka (the bloodline of the dragon) film poster for HBO-serie. A similarity with the god Ród in Slavic mythology, who means … Continue reading Origins of the colour name ‘red’

Rod, the Slavic god

Rod represented as the father-creator of the universe, bringing happiness and prosperity to the clan. The word Rod denotes the 'clan', taken in the broadest sense. in space: the meanings 'bloodline, clan, tribe, relative, tribesman; in time: the meanings 'birth, lineage, generation, descendants, which includes the past (- ancestors, pedigree), the present and the future … Continue reading Rod, the Slavic god


Rodzanice predicts fate ~ Magdalena Szynkarczuk A numen that recurs in the doctrinal scriptures, ecclesiastical statutes, and confessional questions is described as Rod-Rozanica. These data show that Rod-Rozanicy: seem to personify fate (they are equated with the terms 'fatum, fortuna'); have some connection with the cult of the dead. (On Boxing Day, a church-prohibited death … Continue reading Rod-Rozanica