Distant coloursClose colours
NCS-rangesR60B-B-B50G G60Y-Y-Y50R

There is a strong connection with the colour temperature parameter. The perceptual and psychological effect of this contrast shows that warm colours tend to come forward in an image (close by), while cool colours tend to step back (far away). In classical landscape paintings, for example, the blue colour was applied to suggest depth and distance.


Temperature and colour wavelength

A clear correlation has been established between a feeling of temperature and the wavelength of a colour. Psychological research shows that the subjective experience of colour temperature changes abruptly to cold when the limit of value above 120° CIELAB (NCS R50B) has been exceeded. The same sudden change occurs around 330° CIELAB  (NCS G50Y) when the feeling of temperature turns warmer. (da Pos & Valenti, 2007) This connection appears to work cross-culturally. (Sato, Xin & Hansuebsai, 2003)