Origins of the colour name ‘red’

The Colour name Red stems from Old Norse rót (“root”), from Proto-Germanic *wrōts, from Proto-Indo-European *wréh₂ds (“root”); compare with English wort and the Latin rādīx (“root”). Cognate with the Icelandic rót; Old English rōt (whence the Middle English word root (“the underground part of a plant”) came, whence the English root came). (Source: Ród Smoka (the bloodline of the dragon) film poster for HBO-serie. A similarity with the god Ród in Slavic mythology, who means … Continue reading Origins of the colour name ‘red’

Rod, the Slavic god

Rod represented as the father-creator of the universe, bringing happiness and prosperity to the clan. The word Rod denotes the 'clan', taken in the broadest sense. in space: the meanings 'bloodline, clan, tribe, relative, tribesman; in time: the meanings 'birth, lineage, generation, descendants, which includes the past (- ancestors, pedigree), the present and the future … Continue reading Rod, the Slavic god