Novelty Seeking

Novelty Seeking reflects a heritable bias in the initiation or activation of appetitive approach in response to novelty, approach to signals of reward, active avoidance of conditioned signals of punishment, and skilled escape from unconditioned punishment. High Novelty Seeking: Impulsiveness, impulsive decision making, Impulsive sensation seeking, Extravagance, extravagance in approach to reward cues, quick loss … Continue reading Novelty Seeking

Reward Dependence

Reward Dependence reflects a heritable bias in the maintenance of behaviour in response to cues of social reward. It is observed as sentimentality, social sensitivity, attachment, and dependence on approval by others. Reward Dependence corresponds with Eysenck's introversion-extraversion trait. Low Reward Dependence: independent, non-conformist, practical, tough-minded, cynical, unwilling to share their intimate feelings with others, … Continue reading Reward Dependence