composition rough/smooth
adjective height dimensionheight dimension TOPheight dimension BOTTOM

Jin, Eun & You (2003) showed that a smooth surface is related to a light colour while a rough finish is psychologically linked to dark nuances.

With a Sig. value of 0.051 can be argued that a hard colour such as blue, black, brown or red rather appears with a rough surface. (Michiels, 2016)


Nakedness and sexual preference

It is true that one sex tends to be more naked than the other, and Darwin made use of this in his own sexual selection theory of the loss of human hair. He supposed that ancestral males chose females rather than the other way around as is normal in the animal kingdom, and that they preferred hairless females. His faith in sexual selection is reinforced by the observation that in all races, however hairy or however hairless, the woman tend to be less hairy than the men. Darwin believed that ancestral men found hairy women unattractive. Generations of men chose the most naked (smooth) women as mates. (Dawkins, 2004).